Author of books:
- „New World Order Exposed: Strategy, tactics and methods of the power elite“
- „The Order of Freedom: The only principle that can save the world“
German Books:
- „Das Kapitalismus-Komplott“ (English Edition: „New World Order Exposed“)
- „Die Vereinigten Staaten von Europa“
- „Sicher ohne Staat“ (English Edition: „The Order of Freedom“)
- „Impossible Mission 9/11“
Journalist among others for Focus, Financial Times Deutschland, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Euro/Finanzen, Euro am Sonntag, Focus Money, Compact Magazin, Smart Investor, ExpressZeitung, eigentümlich frei.
Presenter of the talk show „Speakers‘ Corner“. Founder of the Party Partei der Vernunft („ Party of Reason“). YouTube columnist: investigative research and analysis of current affairs, live streams, interviews and debates. The Youtube-channel with over 800 Videos, 40 million views and 160.000 subscribers was recently deleted. The Telegram-channel with about 160.000 followers is one of the biggest news portals there. All books were best sellers in Germany.
(You can best reach me via Telegram)
Please send interview requests by email: interviewrequestsoj(at)gmail.com
„Highly recommended video from Oliver Janich on the current coronavirus. His at times unorthodox form of presentation contains a high level of journalistic expertise.“
Eva Herman, author, presenter and former news anchor of the „Tagesschau“ (No. 1 German television news) about my video „Coronavirus: Connection with 5G? The Italian Job | Madonna predicted the epidemic“ of 22 March 2020
„Superstar of the German Truther community“
Compact magazine
„The Legend of Investigation, Oliver Janich.“
„In addition to Hayek, there is a book by the German conspiracy propagator Oliver Janich entitled „The Order of Freedom“. Naomi Seibt appreciates the „ruction author“ very much, she has read a part of this book for Spotify, in English, free of charge, she says, as a favor to a friend“.
DER SPIEGEL about Naomi Seibt
„Further a prominent living author is found in the bookshelves with Oliver Janich, who represents libertarian ideas. He is often stigmatized as a „conspiracy theorist“ because of some eccentric ideas, although his study on the „United States of Europe“ presents only an undisputed long-term goal of powerful elites.“
Professor Dr. Felix Dirsch, theologian and political scientist
„Das Kapitalismus-Komplott – Die geheimen Zirkel der Macht und ihre Methoden“ (English Edition: „New World Order Exposed: Strategy, tactics and methods of the power elite“)
„Furious. Janich tells his readers: „Wake up you lambs! This here – I expose them to you – is the power elite who want to lead you to the slaughter.“ The book is an indispensable contribution to the glorious intellectual tradition of libertarian class analysis.“
Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, University of Nevada at Las Vegas (emeritus), President of the Property and Freedom Society
„Oliver Janich must be read: He writes inspiring and exciting things, his writings continue where others have to give up or lose heart.“
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, President of the German Ludwig von Mises Institute, Chief Economist of Degussa Gold Trading
„I have read Oliver Janich’s work with great pleasure and wish the book a wide distribution.“
Prof. Jörg Guido Hülsmann, Université d’Angers
„In the first part of the book, Janich analyzes the Austrian School with rare clarity; the realism in the last part of the book is debatable.“
Prof. Gerd Habermann, Chairman of the Hayek Society
„My thanks and admiration for Oliver Janich’s brilliant scientific work.“
Prof. Dr. jur. habil. Christof Kellmann, LMU Munich
„The book “Das Kapitalismus-Komplott” („The Capitalism Conspiracy“) by Oliver Janich uncovers in a thrilling way everything you want to know, so convincingly clear in argumentation and references that the reader’s breath stops. The Politshow must go on. After reading this explosive material, you will no longer want to trust any of the actors in the two-faced scenarios, but you will think about this: How to defend yourself.“
Lisa Fitz, cabaret artist, singer, actress
„Die Vereinigten Staaten von Europa – Geheimdokumente enthüllen die dunklen Pläne der Elite“ („The United States of Europe – Secret documents reveal the dark plans of the elite“)
„The United States of Europe – check it out, that’s how I see it too!“
Xavier Naidoo, German singer, songwriter, producer and television moderator
„A thunder! Read through in one go! A political thriller, but with real, well-known protagonists. Accurately researched and of exemplary conceptual clarity.“
Prof. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, University of Nevada in Las Vegas (emeritus), President of the Property and Freedom Society
„Oliver Janich has put on a second thought. And he sure did! His new book will keep you on tenterhooks and should leave you speechless. Especially those who don’t understand what the state basically is and where it is taking us should read Janich. After reading his book, you should have successfully overcome your political and economic immaturity and all remaining delusions. A reading experience that you should not miss!“
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Polleit, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, President of the German Ludwig von Mises Institute, Chief Economist of Degussa Gold Trading
„Since this book, Oliver Janich has been a member of the guild of meticulous historians. Anyone who opens up completely new dimensions of a subject to an expert audience believed to have been widely opened up on such a scale has obviously worked very carefully.“
Carlos A. Gebauer, author, attorney and judge at the bar court in Düsseldorf
„In his meticulously researched book with 1017 cited sources, he locates evil people who seize the state monopoly on the use of force as well as the banks and the media. Janich describes how the „ruling class is whipping the United States of Europe as a pre-stage to a world state with a single central government“ in a completely undemocratic manner, with its own interests taking precedence. He comes to the provocative conclusion: „We live in a pathological plutocracy, the reign of a few psychopaths. He looks over the shoulders of the described psychopaths at work, and thus serves the readers an agent thriller. Which of course includes the secret societies and religious orders that would write their – falsified – version of history and present it to the unsuspecting public. Made possible by secrecy, combined with a monopoly on the use of force.“
Dr. Wolfgang Freisleben, publisher „Geld-Magazin“
„With „The United States of Europe“ Oliver Janich presents one of the most important political books of our time, formulated in a clear, humorous language that is easy to understand even for the few remaining non-experts in our society“.
Axel B.C. Krauss, „eigentümlich frei“
„The book gave me many answers to unsolved questions. The precise reporting of the events, both cold-analytic and entertaining, is a boon. The book connects generations who can understand how close their perceptions are to each other through the media manipulations they have recognized together. Amazing!“
Christine Kaufmann, Golden Globe Award winner, actress, author and entrepreneur
„Janich has set a milestone with his book.“
Ralf Flierl, Editor-in-Chief „Smart Investor“
„For those who want it less placative, our author Gerhard Wisnewski strongly recommends reading a new and unsparing analysis of the European Union: Oliver Janich’s „The United States of Europe“. Surprising and astonishing insights are guaranteed. […] Probably never before has a topic been so entertainingly discussed to such an extent. […] A total of 440 thrilling pages are waiting for the reader.“
Gerhard Wisnewski, freelance documentary filmmaker for ARD, ZDF and WDR and bestselling author
„An absolute buy!“
Bestselling author and stock market expert Thorsten Schulte